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Nhiệt kế quang học - Optris CSmicro LTH
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Nhiệt kế quang học - Optris CSmicro LTH

Mã : Optris CSmicro LTH | Thương hiệu : Optris
The CSmicro LTH pyrometer is a prime choice for infrared temperature measurements in industrial environments. Its special thermopile detector enables precise non-contact temperature sensing across a broad 8-14µm spectrum, particularly excelling with high-emissivity targets in a temperature range from -50 °C to 1030 °C. Unlike its counterpart, the CSmicro LT, the LTH variant offers a higher distance-to-spot size ratio of up to 22:1 and an extended operating temperature of up to 180 °C without cooling. Its rugged miniature design ensures resilience in harsh conditions and is optimized for thermal shock resistance, guaranteeing accuracy and repeatability. This makes it an indispensable thermal sensor as a control loop input in diverse sectors such as thermoforming, plastic processing, and manufacturing.
  • Miniature sensing head 24 x 12 mm, M12x1 thread
  • Temperature range: -50 °C to 1030 °C
  • Spectral range: 8 to 14 µm
  • High ambient temperature rating up to 180 °C
  • Higher Distance-to-spot size ratio of up to 22:1
  • Unique thermal shock-resistant design for best repeatability and accuracy
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