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Bộ ghi nhiệt độ - MULTI TR-55i-TC
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Bộ ghi nhiệt độ - MULTI TR-55i-TC

Mã : TR-55i-TC | Thương hiệu : Multi
- Easy-to-use waterproof compact durable logger.
- Low energy consumption design means longer battery life.
- Collecting data is made easy with an IR enabled handheld collector for on site use or a portable USB connectable port for use with a PC.
Measurement Channels Temperature (Type K, J, T, S)
Measurement Range K : -199 to 1370 °C
J : -199 to 1200 °C
T : -199 to 400 °C
S : -50 to 1760 °C
Measurement Resolution Type K, J, T : 0.1 °C
Type S : Approx. 0.2 °C
Accuracy Type K, J, T : ±0.3°C+0.3%rdg
Type S : ±1°C+0.3%rdg
Logging Capacity 16,000
Recording Interval 1,2,5,10,15,20,30 sec /1,2,5,10,15,20,30,60 min
Operating Environment -40 to 80 °C
Waterproof Capacity IP64
Data Collection Devices Communication Port : TR-50U2
Data Collector : TR-57DCi
Power Lithium Battery
Dimensions H62×W47×D19mm
Weight Approx. 45g
Accessories Lithium Battery
User's Manual
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