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Bộ ghi dữ liệu ánh sáng - MULTI TR-74Ui-S
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Bộ ghi dữ liệu ánh sáng - MULTI TR-74Ui-S

Mã : TR-74Ui-S | Thương hiệu : Multi
- The TR-74Ui can simultaneously measure and record four items: Illuminance, Ultraviolet Light (UV), Temperature and Humidity.
Measurement Channels Temperature 1ch
Humidity 1ch
Lux 1ch
UV intensity 1ch
Measurement Range Temperature : -25 to 70°C
Humidity : 0 to 99%RH
Lux : 0 lx to 130 klx
UV intensity : 0 to 30 mW/cm2
Measurement Resolution Temperature : 0.1°C
Humidity : 0.1%RH
Lux : 0.01 lx
UV intensity : 0.001 mW/cm2
Accuracy Temperature : ±0.3°C (10 to 40°C)
Humidity : ±2.5%RH (at 10 to 35°C, 30 to 80%RH)
Lux : ±5% (at 25°C, 50 %RH, 10 lx to 100 Klx)
UV intensity : ±5% (at 25°C, 50 %RH, 0.1 to 30 mW/cm2)
Logging Capacity 8,000 data sets
Recording Interval 1,2,5,10,15,20,30 sec / 1,2,5,10,15,20,30,60 min
Communication Interfaces USB
Power AA Alkaline Battery ×1
Dimensions H58×W78×D18mm
Weight Approx. 40g
Accessories Lux-UV Sensor
High Precision Temperature-Humidity Sensor
AA Alkaline Battery
USB Mini-B Cable
Software CD-ROM
User’s Manual Set
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