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Máy đo góc pha - Megger PAM410
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Máy đo góc pha - Megger PAM410

Mã : PAM410 | Thương hiệu : Megger

Programma PAM410 suitable for checking polyphase metering installations, testing protective relays, make comparative test in electrical substations, and verifying the phase angle deviation on power transformers.


The Programma PAM410 provides facilities for accurately and quickly measuring the phase angle between two voltages, two currents or between one current and one voltage. Voltages up to 500 V and currents up to 25 A can be connected directly to the instrument, and the current range can be readily extended by using external current transformers. The instrument displays phase angle directly, with a resolution of 0.1º.



  • Designed for power system applications
  • Current and voltage inputs
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Local calibration
  • Easy to use
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