Frequency bandwidth | DC to 120 MHz (-3 dB) |
Rise time | 2.9 ns or shorter |
Delay time (Typical) | 30 A range: 12 ns, 5 A range: 12 ns, 0.5 A range: 13 ns (Delay time relative to rising waveform of input signal 1 ns) |
Noise level | 75 μA rms max (at 0.5 A range, using 20 MHz band measuring instrument) |
Max. rated current | 30 A range: 30 A rms, 5 A range: 5 A rms, 0.5 A range: 0.5 A rms (DC, and sine wave, requires derating at frequency) |
Max. allowable peak current | 30 A range: ±50 A peak (within the input limit time 2 s) 5 A range: ± 7.5 A peak, 0.5 A range: ± 0.75 A peak (< 10 MHz), ±0.3 A peak (≥ 10 MHz) |
Amplitude accuracy | 30 A range: ±3.0% rdg. ±1 mV, (Typical) ±1.0% rdg. ±1 mV (≤ 10 Arms, DC, 45 to 66 Hz sine wave, within the maximum peak current of each range) 5 A range: ±3.0% rdg. ±1 mV, (Typical) ±1.0% rdg. ±1 mV (DC, 45 to 66 Hz sine wave, within the maximum peak current of each range) 0.5 A range: ±3.0% rdg. ±10 mV, (Typical) ±1.0% rdg. ±10 mV (DC, 45 to 66 Hz sine wave, within the maximum peak current of each range) |
Output rate | 30 A range: 0.1 V/A, 5 A range: 1 V/A, 0.5 A range: 10 V/A, (The output of this probe is internally terminated) |
Measurable conductors | φ 5 mm (0.20 in), Insulated conductor |
Power supply | Supplied from Power Supply 3269, Probe Power Unit Z5021 |
Cable length | Sensor cable (between relay box and sensor): 1.5 m (4.92 ft) Power cable: 1.0 m (3.28 ft) (Power plug: FFA.0S.304.CLAC37Y / LEMO inc.) |
Dimensions and mass | Sensor: 155 mm (6.10 in)W × 18 mm (0.71 in)H × 26 mm (1.02 in)D, Relay box section: 45 mm (1.77 in)W × 120 mm (4.72 in)H × 25 mm (0.98 in)D Terminator section: 29 mm (1.14 in)W × 83 mm (3.27 in)H × 40 mm (1.57 in)D mm, 370 g (13.1 oz) |
Included accessories | Instruction manual ×1, Carrying case ×1 |